Monona County Board of Adjustment Public Hearing Notice A public hearing shall be held by the Monona County Board of Adjustment on June 17, 2024 at 10:00 a.m. in the Drainage boardroom of the Monona …


Monona County Board of Adjustment Public Hearing Notice A public hearing shall be held by the Monona County Board of Adjustment on June 17, 2024 at 10:00 a.m. in the Drainage boardroom of the Monona County Courthouse, Onawa, Iowa. Notice: A Variance Request Application has been filed by Brandon Young for a reduced side yard setback. According to the Monona County Zoning Regulations, Section 100.17 Bulk Regulations, the required setback for a side yard in the A-1 district is fifty (50) feet. Brandon Young is requesting a side yard setback of ten (10) feet for a new pole building located at 23536 290th Street, Blencoe, Iowa. See Legal Description listed below. All that part of the Southwest Quarter of the Southeast Quarter (SW¼ SE¼) of Section Four (4), Township Eight-two (82) North, Range Forty-five (45) West of the Fifth (5th) Principal Meridian, Monona County, Iowa, Described as commencing at the South Quarter (S¼) corner of Section 4; thence South 880 56’ 30” East along the South line of the SE¼ of Section 4, a distance of 33.00 feet to the Point of Beginning; thence North 000 00’ 00” West parallel with the West line of the SE¼ of Section 4, a distance of 320.00 feet; thence South 880 56’ 30” East a distance of 222.00 feet; thence South 000 00’ 00” East a distance of 320.00 feet to the South line of the SE¼ of Section 4; thence North 880 56’ 30” West along said South line 222.00 feet to the Point of Beginning. Tract contains 1.63 acres including public road and 1.46 acres excluding public road. Any objections to these requests may be made via telephone or by written submission to the Administrator or may be made at the hearing so that the Board of Adjustment may consider these objections in their decision. MP6-13-24