City of Mapleton Minutes - Special Council Meeting July 12, 2024 The special meeting of the city council was called on July 12, 2024 for a meeting at 4:00 p.m. Roll call was taken with the following …


City of Mapleton Minutes - Special Council Meeting July 12, 2024 The special meeting of the city council was called on July 12, 2024 for a meeting at 4:00 p.m. Roll call was taken with the following members present Mayor Brent Streck, Benita Uhl, Jacob Zawodny and Joe Hogan. Present via phone Abby Koenigs, Zach Schrader and Bryan Wells from DGR. Motion by Benita Uhl, second by Joe Hogan to approve the order of the agenda. Ayes: All. Motion carried. This meeting was called without a 24 hour posting notice due to the emergency of the situation with the street project. Motion by Joe Hogan, second by Benita Uhl to proceed with amendment to the 2024 street project to complete a full depth patch where there was found to be no suitable base, concrete the area and then overlay with blacktop at a maximum cost of $25,000.00. Ayes: All. Motion carried. Motion by Benita Uhl, second by Joe Hogan to adjourn the meeting. Ayes: All. Motion carried and meeting adjourned at 4:37 p.m. Brent Streck, Mayor Attest: Karla Uhl, City Clerk MP7-25-24