City of Ute REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING Monday, June 3, 2024 – City Hall 7:00 p.m. The Ute City Council met with Mayor James Henschen in regular, open session on Monday June 3rd at 7pm in the Council …


City of Ute REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING Monday, June 3, 2024 – City Hall 7:00 p.m. The Ute City Council met with Mayor James Henschen in regular, open session on Monday June 3rd at 7pm in the Council Chambers, City Hall with the following council members present: Jimmy Carlson, Josh Gotto, Sue Kelm, Matt Leitz, Ryan Pithan. Also Present: City Clerk Megan Peitsch, Public Works Superintendent and Fire Chief Lonnie Carlson, Assistant Fire Chief Gary Goslar, Shannon Hahn, Angie Kroll, Noah Wieseler, Michael Kluver, Dennis Nelson, Dave Hass, and Richard Hageman. The meeting was called to order at 7:00pm by Mayor Henschen. Motion by Kelm/Leitz to approve the agenda as posted. All Ayes. MC Noah Wieseler introduced himself as a candidate running for the Iowa House District 13. Erica Kragel was not present to speak on her dog complaint. Shannon Hahn spoke in regards to the violation letter and complaint. Public Forum had 5 speakers: Resident Kroll spoke on a dog complaint, Resident Kluver spoke on a dog complaint, Resident Nelson spoke on fallen tree from May 24 storm, Resident Hass spoke on fallen tree from May 24 storm, Resident Hageman spoke on fallen tree from May 24 storm. The Mayor gave a general update regarding the strong storm on May 24 with high winds that caused damage in town, as well as power outage; MidAmerican substation fire; and formal complaints. Rental Inspection proposal will be on the back burner until the Water Tower is complete. Public Works Superintendent Lonnie Carlson gave a general update. He is getting back on track after a medical leave of absence. Maguire Iron will start welding at the water tower soon. Painting playground equipment and street sweeping will begin soon. Fire Chief Lonnie Carlson, with the help of Assistant Chief Gary Goslar, gave a fire department report. The Fire Department has covered many purchases through their fundraising over the years. A grant for Self Contained Breathing Apparatus (SCBA) gear was applied for and a partial grant was given. The Fire Department has a plan to replace two a year with an extra tank each as their current inventory contains many outdated/expired SCBAs. City Clerk Megan Peitsch shared a general update of the City Clerk’s office. The following financial reports were presented and discussed for the month of May: Cash Report, Treasurer’s Report, Outstanding Transactions, Budget Report by Function, Bank Reconciliations for Bank 1 and Bank 5. Utility Billing (UB) Reconciliation for May was presented and discussed. Receipts for May totaled $337,763.46: 001 GENERAL$11,708.92, 110 ROAD USE TAX $3,849.17, 112 EMPLOYEE BENEFITS $788.41, 119 EMERGENCY $65.90, 121 LOCAL OPTION SALES TAX $3,697.18, 303 CAP 2023 WATER TOWER PR $297,901.79, 600 WATER $15,045.63, 610 SEWER $4,706.46 Motion by Pithan/Kelm to approve the consent agenda consisting of: Approval of May 2024 bills and payroll, Approval of City Council minutes 05/06/2024 Regular Meeting, Approval of May financial reports, bank and utility billing reconciliations as presented by City Clerk, Approval of Tobacco Permits for Sparetime and Ampride II, Water Tower Project Items – Approval of Pay App 9 – Group B, Approval of Mayor signing CDBG Gax Draw #8. All Ayes. MC Motion by Leitz/Pithan to approve the resolution setting salaries/wages for employees of the City of Ute for the fiscal year July 1, 2024 – June 30, 2025 (RESOLUTION #2024-31). FY 2025 Wages: Public Works Superintendent Lonnie Carlson $26.00/hr with $4.00 shift differential, Custodian Michelle Carlson: $12.00/hr, City Clerk Megan Peitsch $23.25/hr, Public Works Assistant Shannon Hahn $12.50/hr, City Council and Mayor are set by ordinance. Results of Vote: Ayes – Gotto, Kelm, Leitz, Pithan. Nays – None. Abstain – JCarlson due to conflict of interest. MC 4-0-1 Motion by Gotto/JCarlson to approve the resolution amending assessment of unpaid utility charges (RESOLUTION #2024-32). All Ayes. MC Motion by Gotto/Leitz to approve publishing the ad for hiring a deputy clerk in the newspaper, advertising the position with all applications to be reviewed/discussion of scheduling interviews to be on July 8, 2024 at the next council meeting. All Ayes. MC. Motion by Leitz/JCarlson to approve the transfer of approximately $2,300 in FY25 from fund 119 Emergency to cover the remainder cost of one SCBA and one extra tank. The second SCBA and tank will be discussed again once the water tower project is done and the budget re-evaluated. Results of Vote: Ayes – JCarlson, Gotto, Kelm, Leitz. Nays – None. Abstain – Pithan due to conflict as he was on board to award the grant. MC 4-0-1 Motion by Leitz/Pithan to approve the sending of a letter declaring a dog vicious in regards to a complaint. All Ayes. MC Motion by Leitz/Kelm to approve the City Clerk vacation and close the office on Tuesday June 25 and Tuesday July 23. All Ayes. MC The wooden playground was damaged recently and closed off. After inspection, the structure is unsafe and cannot be repaired to adequate safety standards. Motion by Leitz/JCarlson to tear down the wood structure and keep the slides for resale. All Ayes. MC Discussion was held on City helping clean up resident trees that fall onto and block City streets. The City will not provide monetary aid to clean up the debris, but will aid when possible with City personnel and equipment. Nuisance abatement of trees and sidewalk inspections were discussed. Draft policies for tree assessments and sidewalk rankings will be presented at the next meeting. Lonnie Carlson will have a list of trees by the next meeting. The draft Audit Request for Proposal Form for FY2024 and FY 2025 was reviewed. RFP proposals will be accepted until August 30, 2024 and contract for services will be awarded September 9, 2024. Motion by Leitz/Gotto for the City Clerk to organize the Hwy 141 garage sale listings with the Community Club paying the fee. All Ayes. MC Due to the end of the fiscal year being June 30, 2024 and many reports that likely will not be ready for Monday July 1, the next City Council meeting will be Monday July 8, 2024 at 7pm. Next regular meeting to be July 8, 2024 at 7pm at City Hall. Motion by Gotto/Leitz to adjourn at 8:53pm. All Ayes. MC Submitted by: Megan Peitsch, City Clerk May Claims Report For June Meeting Vendor, ReferenceAmount Acco, Water Chemicals$493.80 Badger Meter, Meter Hosting$69.76 Bomgaars, Siren Fuses$51.98 Chn Garbage Service, Garbage Pick Up/Clean Up Days$3,281.96 Community Bank, Nsf Service Charge Water Bill$6.00 Cory Abbott, Water Plant Ins Repair$2,500.00 Eftps Irs, Qtr 3 2022 941 Penalties$5,683.08 Foundation Analytical Lab, Water Testing $37.50 Katie Huisinga, Park Deposit Refund$40.00 Hydro Plumbing Inc, Lagoon Vac $1,417.50 Incontrol Electronics, Fire Door Dues$17.00 Ipers, Ipers-Regula $1,132.55 Jeo Consulting Group, Water Tower Engineering $2,187.50 King Construction, Water Tower Pay App 8 $140,668.66 Maguire Iron, Water Tower Pay App 7$47,500.00 Mapleton Press, Publishing$164.18 Mark Goslar, Trucking Tree Debris$150.00 Megan Peitsch, Reimbursement Mileage Supplies $119.72 Menards, Water Plant Cabinets$773.97 Meseck Electric Llc, Siren Install$300.00 Mid States Electric, Water Tower Gen Pay App 2$8,835.00 Midamerican Energy, Electric$1,704.51 Monona County Landfill, Landfill Fees$8,450.00 Simpco, Cdbg Grant Admin$7,445.50 Iowa Department Of Revenue, May Wet Tax$879.32 Iowa Department Of Revenue, State Taxes $261.73 United Bank Of Iowa, Interest Water Tower Ubi Loan$38,063.02 Usa Bluebook, Check Valves$27.09 Usps, Postage$159.00 Ute Senior Citizens, June Senior Meals Contract$140.00 Ute Tire & Automotive, Truck Tire Change $91.03 Wellmark, Health Insurance $1,040.56 Wex, Fuel$231.65 Windstream, Phone/Internet $401.37 Wipco, Sewer Electric$40.00 Accounts Payable Total$274,364.94 Payroll Checks$5,542.72 ***** Report Total *****$279,907.66 General $21,390.52 Library Fund (Gen)$148.00 Road Use Tax$832.15 Employee Benefits $520.28 Cap 2023 Water Tower Proj$244,699.68 Water$8,505.25 Sewer$3,811.78 Total Funds$279,907.66 MP6-13-24