MONONA COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS MEETING JUNE 25, 2024 The Monona County Board of Supervisors met in regular session at 8:30 a.m. oíclock on Tuesday, June 25, 2024 in the boardroom of the …


MONONA COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS MEETING JUNE 25, 2024 The Monona County Board of Supervisors met in regular session at 8:30 a.m. oíclock on Tuesday, June 25, 2024 in the boardroom of the courthouse in Onawa, Monona County, Iowa with Chairman Fox presiding. Other, Supervisors present: Tom Brouillette and Vince Phillips. Supervisor Absent: None. Also, present were Auditor Peggy A. Rolph and Wray Wright. Motion was made by Supervisor Fox, seconded by Supervisor Phillips to approve the agenda. Vote on motion: Ayes: Fox, Brouillette, and Phillips. Nays: None. Motion carried. Motion was made by Supervisor Phillips, seconded by Supervisor Brouillette to give authorization to Sheriff Ewing to purchase a vehicle out of the FY 2025 budget. Vote on motion: Ayes: Fox, Brouillette, and Phillips. Nays: None. Motion carried. Wray Wright asked if the flooding has impacted getting rock. Discussion followed, no action taken. Present along with the Supervisors and Auditor for the Elected Official / Director Meeting were: Abby Riesberg, Treasurer; Kelly Seward, Recorder; Haley Bryan, County Attorney; Sandy Bubke, Zoning/Environmental Health Administrator; and Sharon Gries, Chief Deputy Assessor. Absent were Mark Witzel, VA Director; Josh Schaben, Conservation Director; Jim Wigton, IT Director; Kevin Ewing, Sheriff; Patrick Prorok, EMA Director; and Shawn Bellis, Secondary Roads Superintendent. Activities were discussed and information about the flooding was shared. Secondary Roads Office Manager Deleta Huffman was present for Secondary Roads business. Supervisor Fox introduced and moved to adopt the following Resolution, seconded by Supervisor Phillips: RESOLUTION NO. SR 24-21 The Board of Supervisors, in accordance with the collective bargaining agreement, approves the following Secondary Road Department wages for the period July 1, 2024 through June 30, 2025. Date: June 25, 2024 Employee; Title; Seniority as of 07-01-2024; FY25 Wage; Longevity; New Wage Rodney Eneboe; Operator II; 26; 25.56; 0.25; 25.81 Bruce Parker; Operator III; 25; 26.68; 0.25; 26.93 David Foss; Operator III; 22; 26.68; 0.20; 26.88 Russell Rosburg; Operator III; 15; 26.68; 0.15; 26.83 Kevin Savery; Operator III; 13; 26.68; 0.10; 26.78 Heath Nelson; Traffic Technician; 12; 27.76; 0.10; 27.86 Charles Teet; Operator III; 12; 26.68; 0.10; 26.78 Tony Bloyer; Operator III; 11; 26.68; 0.10; 26.78 Gabriel Cooper; Operator III; 11; 26.68; 0.10; 26.78 Matthew Wenger; Operator III; 9; 26.68; 0.00; 26.68 Troy Johnston; Operator III; 9; 26.68; 0.00; 26.68 Randy Weidt; Operator III; 8; 26.68; 0.00; 26.68 Anthony Mahlberg; Operator III; 7; 26.68; 0.00; 26.68 Rotnicke, Korey; Operator III; 6; 26.68; 0.00; 26.68 Kevin Clayton; Operator III; 6; 26.68; 0.00; 26.68 John Wessling; Parts & Inventory Manager ; 6; 26.95; 0.00; 27.76 Korey Bothwell; Operator III; 5; 26.68; 0.00; 26.68 Scott Fox; Operator III; 5; 26.68; 0.00; 26.68 Ralph Harris; Mechanic; 5; 27.76; 0.00; 27.76 Bryan Hinkel; Operator II; 4; 25.56; 0.00; 25.56 Nathan Fritz; Operator III; 2; 26.68; 0.00; 26.68 Dawson Richardson; Operator II; 2; 25.56; 0.00; 25.56 Andrew Blatchford; Operator III; 2; 26.68; 0.00; 26.68 Jason Britton; Mechanic ; 1; 27.76; 0.00; 27.76 Terry Watson Jr; Operator II; 1; 25.56; 0.00; 25.56 Nick Kafton; Operator III 95%; 0; 25.35; 0.00; 25.35 Mark Richardson; Operator II 95%; 0; 24.28; 0.00; 24.28 Jeffrey Wenger; Operator II 90%; 0; 23.01; 0.00; 23.01 Cameron Golden; Operator II 90%; 0; 23.01; 0.00; 23.01 Jeff Kafton; Operator II 90%; 0; 23.01; 0.00; 23.01 Ayes: /s/ Bo Fox; /s/ Tom Brouillette; /s/ Vincent Phillips Nays: None /s/ Bo Fox Chairman, Board of Supervisors ATTEST: Peggy A. Rolph Monona County Auditor Supervisor Fox introduced and moved to adopt the following Resolution, seconded by Supervisor Brouillette: RESOLUTION NO. SR 24-22 The Board of Supervisors, being advised of their current salaries as tabulated below regarding compensation of the Area Road Foremen of the Secondary Roads Department, Office Manager of the Secondary Roads Department, and the Assistant to the Engineer, consents to salaries as followed for the period July 1, 2024 through June 30, 2025: Employee; Proposed Salary; Longevity; Total Salary Shawn Bellis, Superintendent; $77,250.00; 0.00; $77,250.00 yearly* Dave Brown, Area Road Foreman; $67,380.85 yearly; $0.15 per; Hour 313.20; $67,694.05 yearly* Jared Mohr, Area Road; Foreman; $67,380.85 yearly; 0.00; $67,380.85 yearly* Walter Morgan, Area Road; Foreman; $67,380.85 yearly; 0.25 per hour 522.00; $67,902.85 yearly* Lucas Morton, Maintenance Shop Foreman; $61,800.00 yearly; 0.00 per hour; $61,800.00 yearly* Deleta Huffman, Office Manager I; $29.48; 0.00 per hour; $29.48 per hour Bryan Phillips, Asst. to the Engineer I; $26.68 per hour $0.00 per hour; $26.68 per hour *Adjusted to reflect longevity pay policy. The Superintendent, Area Road Foremen and Maintenance Shop Foreman are management, salaried and exempt from overtime. Superintendent, Area Road Foremen and Maintenance Shop Foreman will not be paid overtime for work over 40 hours in a week; work in excess of 40 hours per week may be required at times to ensure appropriate performance of essential job functions. Holidays, personal leave, vacation, and sick leave will be the same as outlined in the Monona County Handbook. Area Road Foremen are expected to give 4 weeks minimum notice before resignation or retirement. The Office Manager, and the Assistant to the Engineer are paid hourly and not exempt from overtime. These positions will be paid at time and a half for work over 40 hours in a week, but work over 40 hours per week is not normally anticipated for the Office Manager. Holidays, personal leave, vacation, and sick leave will be the same as outlined in the Monona County Handbook. The employees in these positions are expected to give 4 weeks minimum notice before resignation or retirement. Date: June 25, 2024 Ayes: /s/ Bo Fox; /s/ Tom Brouillette; /s/ Vincent Phillips Nays: None /s/ Bo Fox Chairman, Board of Supervisors ATTEST: /s/ Peggy A. Rolph Monona County Auditor Motion was made by Supervisor Brouillette, seconded by Supervisor Phillips to approve six month wage adjustment for Jeff Wenger. He will be going from $23.01 per hour to $24.28 per hour per union contract. Vote on motion: Ayes: Fox, Brouillette, and Phillips. Nays: None. Motion carried. Amy Borchardt-Sick, Drainage Deputy and Tammy Blinde, Drainage Clerk were present for Drainage business. It was moved by Fox, seconded by Phillips to accept the petition filed by John Casady on June 20th, 2024. The petition was for the Onawa Drainage District regarding plugged tubes on 7th Street Jasper to Emerald and 8th Street Cameo to Pearl Street. Brian Kepner was going to get ahold of Casady. Vote on motion: Ayes: Fox, Brouillette and Phillips. Nays: None. Motion Carried. Motion was made by Supervisor Brouillette, seconded by Supervisor Phillips to approve the minutes of June 18 and 19, 2024 as read. Vote on motion: Ayes: Fox, Brouillette, and Phillips. Nays: None. Motion carried. Motion was made by Supervisor Phillips, seconded by Supervisor Brouillette to approve claims. Vote on motion: Ayes: Fox, Brouillette, and Phillips. Nays: None. Motion carried. Motion was made by Supervisor Fox, seconded by Supervisor Brouillette to acknowledge receipt of manure management annual update for Ron Lee Farm #58432. Vote on motion: Ayes: Fox, Brouillette, and Phillips. Nays: None. Motion carried. Supervisor Fox introduced and moved for adoption the following Resolution, seconded by Supervisor Phillips: RESOLUTION NO. 2024-11 2024-2025 APPROPRIATIONS WHEREAS, it is desired to make appropriations for each of the different officers and departments for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2024, in accordance with Section 331.434, subsection 6, Code of Iowa, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED By the Board of Supervisors of Monona County, Iowa, as follows: Section 1. The amounts itemized by fund and by department or office on the attached schedule are hereby appropriated from the resources of each fund so itemized, to the department or office listed in the first column on the same line of the attached schedule. Section 2. Subject to the provisions of other county procedures and regulations, and applicable state law, the appropriations authorized under Section 1 shall constitute authorization for the department or officer listed to make expenditures or incur obligations from the itemized fund, effective July 1, 2024. Section 3. In accordance with Section 331.437, Code of Iowa, no department or officer shall expend or contract to expend any money or incur any liability, or enter into any contract, which by its terms involves the expenditure of money for any purpose in excess of the amounts appropriated pursuant to this Resolution. Section 4. If at any time during the 2024-2025 budget year the Auditor shall ascertain that the available resources of a fund for that year will be less than said fund's total appropriations, she shall immediately so inform the Board and recommend appropriate corrective action. Section 5. The Auditor shall establish separate accounts for the appropriations authorized in Section 1, each of which account shall indicate the amount of the appropriation, the amounts charged thereto, and the unencumbered balance. The Auditor shall report the status such accounts to the applicable departments and officers monthly during the 2024-2025 budget year. Section 6. All appropriations authorized pursuant to this Resolution lapse at the close of business June 30, 2025. The above and foregoing Resolution was adopted by the Board of Supervisors of Monona County, Iowa, on the 25th day of June, 2024, the vote thereon being as follows: Ayes: /s/ Bo Fox; /s/ Tom Brouillette; /s/ Vincent Phillips Nays: None /s/ Bo Fox Chairperson, Board of Supervisors ATTEST: /s/ Peggy A. Rolph Monona County Auditor DEPARTMENT: AMOUNT APPROVED Board of Supervisors: 243,510 Auditor: 322,215 Treasurer: 373,627 County Attorney: 463,634 County Attorney Trust Fund: 10,000 Sheriff: 2,655,456 Dare Trust Acct: 500 Jail Trust Acct: 0 Sheriff Trust Fund: 1500 Clerk of Court: 47,600 Recorder: 274,600 Recorders Electronic Trans: 0 Auto Department: 195,097 Drainage: 155,228 Other Policy & Administration: 144,681 Risk Management: 385,040 Zoning: 122,170 Recorder-Records Management: 6,000 Local Health: 479,557 Weed Eradication: 29,190 Secondary Road: 8,224,200 Veteran Affairs: 77,445 Data Processing: 365,268 Courthouse Building: 344,188 Agency: 41,500 Microfilm: 8,000 Social Services: 21,630 Medical Examiner: 63,200 Township Trustees: 9,310 Libraries: 53,119 County Fair: 25,000 Animal Control: 1,150 Sanitary Landfill: 137,850 Conservation Land Development/Acquisition: 21,111 Conservation Administration: 685,427 REAP Trust Fund: 73,000 Conservation Trust Fund: 90,000 Archer Trust Fund: 0 Pioneer Cemetery: 500 American Rescue Funds: 457,500 MH-MR-DD Services Fund: 0 Chemical Dependency: 3,000 Elections: 304,897 Flood & Erosion: 10,000 County Share Emergency Management: 93,911 (includes HAZMAT) Capital Projects: 0 Debt Service: 0 TOTAL APPROVED: 17,020,811 RESOLUTION NO. 2024-12 SETTING WAGES FOR FY 2025 RATES OF PAY EFFECTIVE JULY 1, 2024 It was moved by Supervisor Brouillette, seconded by Supervisor Fox, to adopt the following schedule of rates of pay effective July 1, 2024: Employee; Job Description; Rate/Hr; Base Salary; Additional longevity pay per hour Delanty, Sarah; Asst Co. Attorney; - ; 59,417.28; Kepner, Misty; Legal Secretary/Victim & Witness Coordinator; 24.64; -; .15 Phipps, Jodi; Court Debt Recovery/Legal Secretary; 23.49 Bellis, Jeremy; Sergeant; - ; 89,828.35; .10 Maule, Robert; Sergeant; - ; 89,817.55 Hinrickson, Kalvin; Deputy; - ; 33.08 Keenan, William; Deputy; 33.08 Tank, Kyle; Deputy; 33.08 Perlinger, Josh; Deputy; 33.03 Tank, Braiden; Deputy; 33.03 Thiele, Matthew; Deputy; 32.78 Boyle, Alex; Deputy; 33.33 Ehlers, Alex; Deputy; 33.33 Stroman, Dylan; Deputy; 31.20 Komerak, Angela; Civil Clerk; 23.47 Cooper, Angela; Dispatcher/Jailer; 22.87 Furness, Eric; Dispatcher/Jailer; 22.81 Ingram, Tracy; Dispatcher/Jailer; 22.86; - ; .25 Meadows, Mary L; Dispatcher/Jailer; 23.81 Siebersman, Sierra; Dispatcher/Jailer; 21.49 Susie, Jill; Part-time Dispatcher; 20.12 Brown, Andrew; Jailer; 22.56 Haynes, Ashley; Jailer; 22.81 Hinkel, Amanda; Jailer; 23.81 Neff, Lacy; Jailer; 22.56 Hein, Stacy; Jailer; 21.49 Queen, Bobby; Jailer Part-time; 20.12 Bubke, Sandy; Zoning/Environmental Health Administrator; 22.54; - ; .20 Schaben, Joshua; Conservation Director; - ; 66,392.15 Kaster, Kaleb; Park Ranger; 24.59 Ruge, Tyler; Naturalist; 21.51 Riesberg, Jeanette; Part-time Secretary; 19.93; - ; .10 Gibler, Jack; Conservation Aide Supervisor PT; 19.93; - ;.10 Howard, Marlo; Conservation Aide PT; 17.83 Brinks, Janet; Conservation Aide PT; 16.04 Pratt, Lark; Treasurer Deputy; - ; 52,284.58 Wessling, Whitney; Treasurer/Driver’s License Deputy; - ;55,110.77 Kafton, Kelsey; Treasurer/Driver’s License Clerk; 20.76 Gibler, Joann; Treasurer/Auto Clerk; 21.19 Nielsen, Jodie; Motor Vehicle Deputy; - ; 60,056.60; .20 Smith, Dawn; Deputy Recorder; - ; 55,387.66 Corzette, Paulal; Deputy Recorder/Micro; -; 58,849.38 Parsley, Kelly; Deputy Auditor; - ; 63,438.29 Streeter, Sheri, Election Deputy Auditor; - ; 63,438.29; .15 Nagel, Courtney; Auditor/Real Estate Clerk; 21.25 Borchardt-Sick,Amy; Drainage/Auditor Deputy; 53,735.96 Blinde, Tammy; Drainage Clerk; 18.70 Wigton, James; IT Director; - ; 83,835.00 Ping, Randy; Building Maintenance/Grounds; 29.00 Watson, Jodi; Custodian; 18.44 Witzel, Mark; VA Director; 18.63 Prorok, Patrick; Emergency Mgmt.; 27.76; - ; .20 Peters, Timothy; Assessor; - ; 81,763.00; .25 Gries, Sharon; Deputy Assessor; - ; 70,316.00; .25 Pratt, Terri; Assessor Clerk; - ;51,311.00 Huntley, Junnah; Field Appraiser; - ;42,000.00 Date: June 25, 2025 Ayes: /s/ Bo Fox; /s/ Tom Brouillette; /s/ Vincent Phillips Nays: None /s/ Bo Fox Chairperson, Board of Supervisors ATTEST: /s/ Peggy A. Rolph Monona County Auditor Supervisor Fox introduced and moved for adoption the following Resolution, seconded by Supervisor Brouillette: RESOLUTION NO. 2024-13 FOR INTERFUND OPERATING TRANSFER WHEREAS, it is desired to transfer monies from the Rural Basic Fund to the Secondary Road, and WHEREAS, said operating transfer is in accordance with Section 331.432, Code of Iowa, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Monona County, Iowa as follows: Section 1. The sum of $ 2,384,839. is ordered to be transferred from the Rural Basic Fund to the Secondary Road Fund for fiscal year 2024-2025. Section 2. The Auditor is directed to correct her books accordingly and to notify the Treasurer of this operating transfer, accompanying the notification with a copy of this Resolution and the record of its adoption. The above and foregoing Resolution was adopted by the Board of Supervisors of Monona County, Iowa, on the 25th day of June, 2024, the vote thereon being as follows: Ayes: /s/ Bo Fox; /s/ Tom Brouillette; /s/ Vincent Phillips Nays: None /s/ Bo Fox Chairman, Board of Supervisors ATTEST: /s/ Peggy A. Rolph Monona County Auditor Supervisor Brouillette introduced and moved for adoption the following Resolution, seconded by Supervisor Phillips: RESOLUTION NO. 2024-14 FOR INTERFUND OPERATING TRANSFER WHEREAS, it is desired to transfer monies from the Rural Basic Fund to the Flood and Erosion Fund, and WHEREAS, said operating transfer is in accordance with Section 331.432, Code of Iowa, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Monona County, Iowa as follows: Section 1. The sum of $15,659 is ordered to be transferred from the Rural Basic Fund to the Flood and Erosion Fund for fiscal year 2024-2025 Section 2. The Auditor is directed to correct her books accordingly and to notify the Treasurer of this operating transfer, accompanying the notification with a copy of this Resolution and the record of its adoption. The above and foregoing Resolution was adopted by the Board of Supervisors of Monona County, Iowa, on the 25th day of June, 2024, the vote thereon being as follows: Ayes: /s/ Bo Fox; /s/ Tom Brouillette; /s/ Vincent Phillips Nays: None /s/ Bo Fox Chairman, Board of Supervisors ATTEST: /s/ Peggy A. Rolph Monona County Auditor Supervisor Fox introduced and moved for adoption the following Resolution, seconded by Supervisor Brouillette: RESOLUTION NO. 2024-15 BOUNTY, MILEAGE, & WARRANTS ISSUING AUTHORITY The following policy for 2024-2025, is hereby established for FY 2025: Payment of Bounty - $.50 per pair of gopher claws. Payment of mileage for use of private vehicle for county business at the rate of $ .05 less than the IRS rate per mile. In accordance with Iowa Code Chapter 331.506, authorizes the Auditor to issue warrants to make the following payments without prior approval of the board: a. For fixed charges including, but not limited to, freight, express, postage, water, light, telephone service, or contractual services every 14 days during construction, after a bill is filed with the Auditor, and b. For salaries and payrolls if the compensation has been fixed or approved by the board, and the salary or payroll shall be certified by the office or supervisor under whose direction or supervision the compensation is earned. The bills paid shall be submitted to the board for review and approval at its next meeting following the payment. Date: June 25, 2024 Ayes: /s/ Bo Fox; /s/ Tom Brouillette; /s/ Vincent Phillips Nays: None /s/ Bo Fox Chairman, Board of Supervisors ATTEST: /s/ Peggy A. Rolph Monona County Auditor Supervisor Brouillette introduced and moved for adoption the following Resolution, seconded by Supervisor Fox: RESOLUTION 2024-16 MONONA COUNTY PRECINCT ELECTION OFFICIAL COMPENSATION POLICY WHEREAS, the Monona County Board of Supervisors does acknowledge the importance of Precinct Election Officials in the Election Process. WHEREAS, the Monona County Board of Supervisors approve the following hourly rates for Precinct Election Officials effective June 25, 2024. Position: Recommended Salary Precinct Election Official, Chair & Co-Chair: $14.00/Hour Precinct Election Official: $13.50/Hour Election TM Runner: $13.50/Hour NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Monona County Board of Supervisors adopts the salary recommendations for the previously listed workers, which will remain in effect until a new compensation policy is passed. The above and foregoing Resolution was adopted by the Board of Supervisors of Monona County, Iowa, on the 25th day of June, 2024, the vote thereon being as follows: Ayes: /s/ Bo Fox; /s/ Tom Brouillette; /s/ Vincent Phillips Nays: None /s/ Bo Fox Chairman, Board of Supervisors ATTEST: /s/ Peggy A. Rolph Monona County Auditor Supervisor Fox introduced and moved for adoption the following Resolution, seconded by Supervisor Phillips: RESOLUTION 2024-17 APPROVING COMPENSATION BOARD RECOMMENDATION WHEREAS, the Monona County Compensation Board meets annually to recommend a compensation schedule for elected officials for the fiscal year immediately following, in accordance with Iowa Code Chapters 331.905 and 331.907, and WHEREAS, the Monona County Compensation Board met on December 20, 2023 and made salary recommendations for the following elected officials for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2024 and WHEREAS, the Monona County Board of Supervisors took action on the recommendation on January 2, 2024 Elected Official; Current Salary; Approved Salary Auditor; $72,109.45; $74,633.28 County Attorney; $118,827.85; $122,986.82 Recorder; $66,893.30; $69,234.57 Sheriff; $97,073.37; $100,470.94 Supervisors; $33,934.29; $35,121.99 Chairman; $34,407.66; $37,111.93 Treasurer; $68,265.54; $70,654.83 THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Monona County Board of Supervisors adopts the above salary recommendations for elected officials for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2024 as recommended by the Monona County Compensation Board. Approved this 25th day of June, 2024. Ayes: /s/ Bo Fox; /s/ Tom Brouillette; /s/ Vincent Phillips Nays: None /s/ Bo Fox Chairman, Board of Supervisors ATTEST: /s/ Peggy A. Rolph Monona County Auditor Motion was made by Supervisor Brouillette, seconded by Supervisor Phillips to approve Iowa Retail Permit Application for Cigarette/Tobacco/Nicotine/Vapor for BBC Holding, LLC dba Blackbird Bend Casino. Vote on motion: Ayes: Fox, Brouillette, and Phillips. Nays: None. Motion carried. It was moved by Supervisor Brouillette, seconded by Supervisor Fox to hereby adjourn at the hour of 11:40 a.m. oíclock. Vote on motion: Ayes: Fox, Brouillette, and Phillips. Nays: None. Motion carried. /s/Bo Fox BO FOX, CHAIRPERSON MONONA COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS ATTEST: /s/Peggy A. Rolph PEGGY A. ROLPH, AUDITOR Monona County 06/25/2024 MP7-11-24