Monona County Sanitary Landfill Agency Regular Board Meeting July 16th, 2024 Chairman Keith Zediker called the meeting to order at 9:33 a.m. Present: Keith Zediker, Kirk Rose, Chad Carrier, Becky …


Monona County Sanitary Landfill Agency Regular Board Meeting July 16th, 2024 Chairman Keith Zediker called the meeting to order at 9:33 a.m. Present: Keith Zediker, Kirk Rose, Chad Carrier, Becky Miller, Ryan Clark Manager Logan Persinger, Secretary/Board Secretary Amanda Yanak Approval of Minutes: Board meeting minutes from June 11th, 2024 were presented by A. Yanak. C.Carrier made a motion to accept the minutes. R. Clark seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. No further discussion. Treasurer’s Report: Expenditures and CD’s were reviewed. In June, expenditures equaled $59,937.64 and deposits equaled $100,868.09. B. Miller made a motion to accept the financial statement and CD’s as proposed. K. Rose seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.
Secretary’s Report: A.Yanak stated the the 2023/2024 Fiscal Year audit will be at the end of September/beginning of October. Manager’s Report: L. Persinger stated that the recycling truck has been in the shop for 3 weeks as it keeps having issues. He presented a quote from Kilburg Equipment for a new recycling truck with a hoist and a hitch. A. Yanak stated that she had reached out to another vendor and never received a quote. C. Carrier made a motion to buy the new recycling truck from Kilburg Equipment and trade in the old truck for no less than $20,000.00 or sell the truck ourselves. B. Miller seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. L. Persinger stated that the telehandler needs the cylinder rebuilt. L. Persinger suggested that we sell the single wall fuel barrel. R. Clark made a motion to see the fuel barrel. C. Carrier seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. C. Carrier made a motion to donate $3,000 to the Monona County Fair. K. Rose seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. Chairman K. Zediker adjourned the meeting at 10:05 a.m. Next meeting is Tuesday August 13th, 2024 @ 9:30 a.m. These minutes are subject to change at the next meeting. (Board President) (Attested) June 2024 Expenditures Simply Signs$70.00 HLW Engineering$885.00 L.P. Gill$8,071.24 WiaTel$227.98 Post Office$136.00 Quickbooks$496.57 Payroll$4,245.79 Monona County Fair$3,000.00 Waste Management$6,210.00 WIPCO$594.40 Quickbooks$159.00 United States Treasury$4,003.57 IPERS$2,830.05 Oriental Trading$51.54 Oriental Trading$32.43 PetroMart$288.42 Wellmark BCBS$519.35 K. Zediker$232.42 K. Rose$191.02 B. Miller$142.88 R. Clark$154.94 C. Carrier$124.12 Mapleton Press$49.60 Waste Management$1,693.27 Payroll$4,643.96 Carrier Container Co.$19,317.56 Rueter’s$6,480.28 The Retrofit Company$1,896.90 MP7-25-24